So as you can tell from the title this post is about the
Paramore concert at The 02 on Saturday the 13
th November 2010. So I am an avid fan of
Paramore, I
absolutely love them, their music is amazing and Hayley Williams is one of the best
female lead singers of any band I've heard (
oop controversy
lol) and in the last couple of years I have been lucky enough to go see them in concert, and without fail they give the best show of their lives every time. My test of a real band is to hear them sing live and then
that's when I know they are truly talented. And I can say
Paramore is the only band I prefer live than on CD,
don't get me wrong on CD they are sublime, but live you get to hear the true strength of Hayley's voice and the energy the
whole band emits to
stadium of 12,000 people. I mean at one point I thought the stadium was gonna cave in with how hard and how much everyone was jumping up and down, the
frickin' floor was rumbling like just before the start of a Volcano
lol. So I went with Leanne (my
bestie) and my mate Zeke (she had never seen them live before and her reaction was pretty much the same as mine the first time I went, screaming, sheer and utter,
uber excitement
haha). This concert was like an early/late birthday present when I purchased it because my birthday was on the 9
th November and then the show on the Saturday but obviously purchased the ticket
wayyy in advance.
The opening acts for the show were fun. (who I have never heard of before and never hope to hear from again
haha) and B.O.B (who I also love and love more now since seeing him live, he is such an energetic performer...he was ah-
mazing). Needless to say when he and Hayley performed "Airplanes" the whole arena erupted. It was one of the best shows I had ever been to, and the weather held up, cos last year when we went it was snowing, there was ice (the road was like one long continuous ice rink
lol), wind it was horrible, but this year was cold but no snow (Y). We were sat closer than last year but still not close enough for excellent quality pics but they were still OK, you can actually see Hayley all be it a little blurry
lol but WAY better than last year.
I'm going to stop rambling cos I could write for ages about this :) here are some pics from the show...

Outside The 02


BOB and Hayley Williams - "Airplanes"

The start of the REAL show "WE.ARE.PARAMORE!!!!!

Hope you enjoyed this post :)